"No, she's not hardly Alice"
In Tim Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, Alice is shown an ancient scroll, the Oraculum. It depicts her in the future slaying...

Planning Thoughtfulness
I was completely humbled by the thoughtfulness of my friend the other day. I wanted to share how one person I know found a way to take...

Ordinary, No Such Thing!
How amazing would it be to see an original Picasso or a Rembrandt painting close enough to touch as part of an extensive personal...

Just Sing!
Have you ever been driving in the car by yourself and a song came on that you just couldn't resist singing along to? Riding along with...

Food for Thought
What would you consider your top commodities if you were to sit down with pen and paper and conduct an audit of your personal assets? ...

Sometimes Life isn't a Bowl of Cherries
Have you ever felt quite frankly that life is the pits? I know that generally this expression is reserved for being in a depth of...