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Sometimes Life isn't a Bowl of Cherries

Have you ever felt quite frankly that life is the pits? I know that generally this expression is reserved for being in a depth of despair of some sort, a hole if you will. But I am referring here to the opposite of a bowl of cherries.

I have to admit there have been times in my life where I have felt just like a cast off, worthless cherry pit. There is nothing very pretty or valuable about a discarded cherry pit, is there? The best parts stripped away to leave only a hard shell with a poisonous center. It can feel like you’re completely surrounded by suffocating darkness and fear. Not to mention being by flooded by emotional storms that can send you to your absolute end all breaking point.

Do you know what happens when an actual cherry pit is starved of warmth and the light? Followed by being hit by “floods” of water?

It begins to crack and break apart. You already know the answer. It begins to emerge as something treasured by the world’s greatest chefs, physicians, musicians, craftsmen, artisans and gardeners. It’s the cherry tree.

Doesn’t sound too different from what happens in our own lives. Except, when it’s happening to us, it doesn’t seem so rational. When you think about the germination process of a seed, it makes sense and it is very logical. But somehow when it becomes personal such as an illness, abandonment, or a loss we don’t see it that way at all. Logic can go out the window. We just see the turmoil in front of us.

Do you know what happens when you come to your breaking point and don’t give up?

The opportunity for a new beginning.

Just like that discarded, worthless cherry pit there is something so amazing within each one of us just waiting to emerge.

I sat down and thought about all the benefits we receive from just this single type of tree. It is truly amazing!

  • Decorative woodworking such as hardwood floors, fine dining furniture, cabinets

  • Health to our bodies by providing antioxidants and potassium, promotes sleep and helps reduce inflammation

  • Beautiful stringed instruments for performers to play and spectators to enjoy

  • Nourishment and habitat for insects and birds

  • Fragrances and beauty products

  • Culinary dishes such as desserts, smoked meats, brandy, jams and jellies

  • Festivals and social occasions formed around blossom time, not to mention the featured muse for many artist renderings

All of that remarkable potential inside of a small, insignificant cherry pit!

What are all of the wonderful treasures inside of us, that can be shared with others? Treasures that are hidden from our sight when we see ourselves as a discarded pit?

It takes some important growing time, but don’t give up when things don’t seem to be going well. When darkness takes over, when you are feeling trapped or oppressed. It won’t be dark forever. Flood storms will eventually pass.

If you do not give up, I promise one day you will be the one who is able to experience the joy and blessing that comes from serving the needs of others. You will grow strong, and use your own hidden resources to build up others as well as provide a comforting shelter for those going through their own storms.

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