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Just Sing!

Have you ever been driving in the car by yourself and a song came on that you just couldn't resist singing along to? Riding along with the windows down, breeze in your hair, singing without abandon or reservations, star of your own show? In that moment it doesn't matter if you can sing or not, for in this moment you're belting out every single word (at least the ones you know) until... your car slows down and comes to a stop at a red light... Head bob. Look to the left, to the right and maybe the foot is still going waiting for the light to change.

I am not sure about you, but I experience this feeling in my everyday life as well. You're going along in life, through your daily routine and it's as if "THAT" song comes on. Your heart is stirred with a thought. Could be an act of compassion, a call to action or a dream is planted in your heart. "I should call my grandma," "I can't stand when that kid gets picked on, I should say something,""That person is sitting by themselves, I should introduce myself."

What slows the heart down at that moment and holds it back from taking action? Insecurity, shyness, hurt or anger (holding a grudge), prejudice, busyness or fear of rejection or being judged? There are times when our hearts want to sing like, being the first to apologize or helping someone going through a tough time but for whatever reason we hold back and let the moment pass with a mere nod.

How much more fulfilling our days could be if our lives sang out the song that arises in our heart and not let those moments go by with just a foot tap and a head bob, looking around wondering what others may think. I encourage you (and myself) to throw off all of the excuses and leave them behind to

sing without reservations as if there is an audience of one.

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